Del Valle ISD Gilbert Elementary School
This 125,000 square foot elementary school is located in Del Valle, Texas and was designed to serve a student body of 1,000. Completed in the fall of 2011, this building was conceptualized in accordance with LEED standards. MEP Engineering, Inc. designed the geothermal HVAC system, as well as an energy efficient lighting scheme, in order to make the best use of the architect’s design to introduce an abundance of natural lighting throughout. To make use of the HVAC systems’ by-product and rain run-off, MEP requisitioned 14 condensate collection tanks around the school. The landscaping design included native trees and drought resistant shrubbery.
Project Title: Gilbert Elementary School
Project Location: Austin, Texas
Owner: Del Valle Independent School District
Project Size: 125,000 SF
Total Project Cost: $17,654,000
MEP Role: Subconsultant
Architect: BLGY Architecture
Services Provided: Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing Engineering