UT-Austin – Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (CPE) Makeup Air Upgrades
Originally constructed in 1986, the Chemical and Petroleum Engineering building houses offices, classrooms, and over 40,000 square feet of laboratory space. The existing CPE laboratory research building was experiencing high humidity levels and negative building pressurization. MEP designed an innovative design solution to incorporate 160,000 CFM of new outside air handling units on the roof with exterior ductwork routed down the side of the building façade. This scope includes a new steam to hydronic hot water heat exchanger and distribution pumps to provide preheat and reheat at the OAHUs. In addition, portions of fifteen (15) interior air handling units were modified to replace chilled water and steam coil sections that have degraded beyond their useful life.
Project Title: Chemical & Petroleum Engineering (CPE) Makeup Air Upgrades
Project Location: Austin, Texas
Owner: The University of Texas
Project Size: 225,913 SF
Total Project Cost: $6,021,000
MEP Role: Prime Consultant
Services Provided: Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing